Category A: 500+ Employees
Tenneco Inc. (402-643-4511)
Concordia University, Nebraska (402-643-7332)
Category B: 499-250 Employees
Hughes Brothers Inc. (402-643-2991)
Southeast Community College, Milford (402-761-2131)
Memorial Health Care Systems (402-646-4618)
Category C: 249-100 Employees
Seward Public School District (402-643-2941)
Wal-Mart Inc. (402-643-6631)
Seward Motor Freight (1-800-786-4468)
Seward County (402-643-2883)
City of Seward (402-643-2928)
Centennial Public School District (402-534-2321)
Petsource by Scoular (402-803-1860)
Category D: 99-50 Employees
Milford Public School District (402-761-3321)
Houchen Bindery Inc. (402-534-2261)
Educational Service Unit #6 (402-761-3341)
St. John Lutheran Church, School, & Child Development Center (402-643-2983)
Daws Trucking Inc. (402-761-2155)
Pac’N’Save (402-643-6609)
Jones National Bank and Trust Co. (402-643-3602)
Category E: 49-10 Employees
Schulz Transfer (402-643-4636)
Cattle National Bank and Trust Co. (402-643-3636)
Farmers and Merchants Bank (402-761-7600)
Norris Public Power District (402-643-2951)
Laminated Wood Systems Inc. (402-643-4708)
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and School (402-643-3421)
Progressive Sheet Metal (402-643-6000)
Department of Health and Human Services (402-643-6614)
Breeza Industrial (402-534-2015)
Briggs Feedyard Inc. (402-643-2303)
WestRock Company (Paper and Packaging) (402-646-3111)
Seward County Independent and Milford Times (402-643-3676)
St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (402-534-2121)
Fehlhafer’s Inc. (402-534-2611)
First Bank of Utica (402-534-2191)
Midwest Feeding Company (402-761-2053)
Tomes Industries Inc. (402-534-3443)
Volzke Corporation (402-534-3131)